Deaf People Around the World in Got Talent


English translation: Sara Gómez Herrero

Unusualverse is full of deaf people with talent, but this time we will see some of the people who have participated in a television show contest. Some people have already appeared in Unusualverse, such as Nyle DiMarco from the United States, Sergio Ruiz from Spain or Kassandra Wedel from Germany.

Cabeceras de Got Talen en varios países del mundo

5. Burma: Roller Skate

In 2015, a Deaf young boy participated in Myanmar's Got Talent contest with a short roller skate show.

4. Italy: Classical Dance

Again, in 2015, a Deaf girl with hearing aids, Martina, showed up at Italia's Got Talent with a classical dance performance.

3. India: Modern Dance

Last year, the Deaf young boy, Rishab Thakkar, showed up at India's Got Talent with a modern dance performance with a certain Bollywood style.

The video is not official (probably it’s been recorded from a website), so the quality is quite bad. However, in the following video you can see that the young Rishab had already presented years ago to another dance television contest (Dance India Dance), in which he moved the jury probably by discovering the ability of a deaf person to dance to the rhythm of the music:

2. Slovakia: Swing Dance

The young Deaf Dalibor Gajdos performed a swing dance in the style of Fred Astaire in Slovakia Got Talent (Slovensko má Talent). But the most interesting thing is that he was probably one of the first Deaf contestants in the world since he appeared in 2008, and the truth is that he did not do anything wrong.

1. South Africa: Hip Hop

Just the following year, in 2009, a Deaf young, Darren Rajbal, participated in South Africa Got Talent (SA's Got Talent), the first edition in that country of the popular television contest ... and he won! Darren’s talent is so evident that, in each performance and with a great attitude in the dance, it aroused the enthusiasm of the audience:

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  1. You are missing Mandy Harvey in America's Got Talent 2017.

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