Infographics: Five Deaf Models than the World Admires


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Carola Insolera, Ariana Martins, Vanessa Peretti, Sophie Vouzelaud and Fanni Weisz

Transcription for people with low vision or blindness:
  • Carola Insolera: Deaf from birth, this professional model was born in Norway and has posed for important magazines and fashion brands. In his photographic sessions, she does not use a Sign Language interpreter but establishes a visual communication with the photographer.
  • Ariana Martins: she started to parade when she was 22 and has not stopped working until now. Despite she was discriminated at the beginning of her career for being Deaf, she has even been featured the cover of Playboy magazine in 2017.
  • Vanessa Peretti: she was the first Deaf woman in Venezuela to participate in Miss Venezuela in 2006 when she was 20. She represented Venezuela in Miss International 2007 and is currently a generous philanthropist.
  • Sophie Vouzelaud: she participated in Miss France 2007, where she was only one vote away from winning the title. That same year she participated in Miss International where she coincided with Vanessa Peretti. She is also a passionate activist for the rights of Deaf people.
  • Fanni Weisz: Fanni started to parade at the age of 14 and is currently one of the most famous and valued models of Hungary, being photographed for numerous magazines. She is a great advocate of Sign Language.

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