Infographic: Deaf Medals at the Olympic Games


Discover in this timeline the deaf people around the world who have won medals in the competitions of the Olympic Games.

Transcription for people with low vision or blindness:

  • 1908: Oskar Wetzell (Finland), diving. He did not win medals but has the honor of being the first deaf person in the world to participate in the Olympics.
  • 1928: Carlo Orlandi (Italy), boxing. Gold medal in Amsterdam 1928.
  • 1928: Donald Gollan (United Kingdom), rowing. Silver medal in Amsterdam 1928.
  • 1952: Ignazio Fabra (Italy), wrestling. Two silver medals in Helsinki 1952 and Melbourne 1956.
  • 1960: Ildikó Újlaky-Rejtő (Hungary), fencing. Two gold medals, three silver medals and two bronze medals in Tokyo 1964, Rome 1960, Mexico 1968, Munich 1972 and Montreal 1972.
  • 1984: Jeffrey Float (USA), swimming. Gold medal in Los Angeles 1984.
  • 2000: Terence Parkin (South Africa), swimming. Silver medal in Sidney 2000.
  • 2004: Tamika Catchings (USA), basketball. Four gold medals in Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012 and Rio 2016.
  • 2016: David Smith (USA), volleyball. Bronze medal in Rio 2016.

Oskar Wetzell, Donald Gollan, Ignazio Fabra, Ildikó Újlaky-Rejtő, Jeffrey Float, Terence Parkin, Tamika Catchings and David Smith

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