Infographic: Deaf Gain, That Wonderful Idea That Is Changing the World

Transcription for people with low vision or blindness:

  • Definition: A reframing of "deaf" as a form of sensory and cognitive diversity that has the potential to contribute to the greater good of humanity.
  • The book: Published in 2014 with 568 pages, H-Dirksen and Murray, as editors, had the collaboration of more than 35 experts in different fields.
  • What does Deaf Gain mean? Benefit: "a Deaf Gain perspective brings forth a number of social, psychological, and cognitive benefits. In calling attention to Deaf Gain benefits, we are not claiming that is necessarily better to be deaf than to be hearing, but we are saying that is not necessarily better to be hearing than deaf". Contribute: "refers to the contributions of deaf individuals, communities, and their languages to humanity as a whole. In the most general sense, the existence of deaf people and communities contributes to a more robust biocultural diversity". Ahead: "deaf people are either poises to transform or have already transformed their benefits and contributions into the public sphere in ways that represent thinking that is ahead of their hearing counterparts".
  • Deaf Gain everywhere. The contributions of deaf people and sign language are many and we are still beginning to understand their benefits: Neuroscience, Linguistics, Sensory Studies, History, Art, Architecture, Philosophy, and others.
  • Brief history of Deaf Gain. 1998: Deaf artist Aaron Williamson coining the term Deaf Gain. 2009: H-Dirksen and Bauman publish the first article about the Deaf Gain concept in Deaf Studies Digital Journal. 2014: H-Dirksen and Murray publish the book Deaf Gain: Raising the Stakes for Human Diversity.
  • The architects of the idea: Dr H-Dirksen L. Bauman, Doctorate from Binghamton University (United States). He is currently a professor and researcher at the Gallaudet University. Dr Joseph J. Murray, Doctorate in History from the University of Iowa (United States). He works as a full associate professor at Gallaudet University and is President of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)

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