Infographic: Five Things You Didn't Know About the Deaf


Transcription for people with low vision or blindness:

  • They would be the third most populated country in the world: There are 466 million people with deafness in the world, so if they were all in the same country, they would be the third most populated country in the world behind China and India. 70 million of these people use Sign Language.
  • They have got better peripheral vision: Studies show that Deaf people reach the levels of peripheral vision of an adult in adolescence and that these levels in adulthood remain higher than those of hearing people.
  • Maybe they drive better: Statistics show that they are as good or better drivers than hearing people. In the United States, they can even drive heavy commercial vehicles since 2013.
  • They are born from hearing families: Inbreeding is common among Deaf people. This shocks some hearing people who believe they are perpetuating deafness. The truth is that no one can be blamed: between 90 and 95% of deaf children are born from hearing couples.
  • They are not sick and they do not die before: Deafness is not a disease nor is it dangerous to health: statistics show that death rates in deaf people are the same as in hearing people.

You can also see all the Unusualverse infographics here.

  • WHO (2018, march15). Deafness. Retrieved from
  • WFD. Who we are. Retrieved from
  • Schein, J.D. (1989). At home among strangers. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, pp.106-134.
  • Hamilton, P. T. (2015). Communicating through Distraction: A Study of Deaf Drivers and Their Communication Style in a Driving Environment.
  • Barnett, S., y Franks, P. (1999). Deafness and mortality: analyses of linked data from the National Health Interview Survey and National Death Index. Public health reports, 114(4), 330.
  • Codina, C., Buckley, D., Port, M., y Pascalis, O. (2011). Deaf and hearing children: a comparison of peripheral vision development. Developmental Science, 14(4), 725-737.
  • Cokely, D. y Baker-Shenk, C. (1991). American Sign Language: A Student Text Units 1-9. Gallaudet University Press, p. 79.
  • Karchmer, M.A., y Mitchell, R.E. (2004). Chasing the mythical ten per cent: Parental hearing status of deaf and hard of hearing students in the United States. Sign Language Studies, 4(2),138-163.

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