Infographic: Deaf Painters From The Reinassance


Transcription for people with low vision or blindness:

The Renaissance could be considered the golden age of deaf painters in Europe. We still have a lot to discover and some of them we do not even have a picture of what they looked like.


Cristoforo de Predis: This Italian miniaturist was born deaf and is believed to have been known to Leonardo da Vinci. He had considerable influence on the enlightened art of the Renaissance.


Pinturicchio: Italian Renaissance painter, known for his delicate technique and detailed frescoes in the Sistine Chapel and papal palaces. Pinturicchio means “little painter”.

XV century

Jaime López: A deaf Spanish painter about whom little is known. Nicknamed “el muño”, he decorated the Hermitage of our Lady of Prado in Toledo.


Barend Dircksz: Dutch painter known as Dooven or “Deaf Berent”. He is known to have painted a work that hangs in the Amsterdam Town Hall.


Navarrete "El Mudo": He was the most important Spanish painter in the decoration of the Monastery of El Escorial, named with the title of king's painter. Skilled in religious paintings and portraits.


Hendrick Avercamp: Known as “the mute of Kampen”, he was a Dutch painter noted for his winter landscapes and ice-skating scenes.

1593 – ?

Ercole Sarti: Also known as “il muto da Ficarola”, well known for a work painted in the Ficarolo's church of St. Valentine.

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